1,399 research outputs found

    The impact of foreign direct investment on developing economies and the environment

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    All of us that are concerned about the environment should ask if the increase in capital mobility associated with the world-wide process of liberalization, deregulation and privatization known as the Neo-liberal global regime has contributed to the problems of higher emissions, ozone layer destruction, and pollution of water sources, as well as to create false economic bubbles that lead to increase consumption in these regions and force the poor to destroy the environment in order to survive and cope with the roles their society demands. Neo-liberal practices such as those enforced in developing countries like Colombia, seeking to attract foreign investment to push their economies tend to generate a false aggregated demand growth, that in most cases is not sustainable in the long term, and thus high global unemployment, unleash destructive competitive processes, and weaken government's ability to regulate business in the citizens best interests. The forces of global Neo-liberalism are now so powerful that it has become difficult if not impossible for countries like Colombia to maintain non-Neo-liberal economic structures, in which countries are forced to deregulate FDI policies and receive inflows of capital no matter the terms and the objectives as long as it helps to maintain consumption levels

    The impact of foreign direct investment on developing economies and the environment

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    All of us that are concerned about the environment should ask if the increase in capital mobility associated with the world-wide process of liberalization, deregulation and privatization known as the Neo-liberal global regime has contributed to the problems of higher emissions, ozone layer destruction, and pollution of water sources, as well as to create false economic bubbles that lead to increase consumption in these regions and force the poor to destroy the environment in order to survive and cope with the roles their society demands. Neo-liberal practices such as those enforced in developing countries like Colombia, seeking to attract foreign investment to push their economies tend to generate a false aggregated demand growth, that in most cases is not sustainable in the long term, and thus high global unemployment, unleash destructive competitive processes, and weaken government's ability to regulate business in the citizens best interests. The forces of global Neo-liberalism are now so powerful that it has become difficult if not impossible for countries like Colombia to maintain non-Neo-liberal economic structures, in which countries are forced to deregulate FDI policies and receive inflows of capital no matter the terms and the objectives as long as it helps to maintain consumption levels

    Relações de negócio em hotelaria: um modelo estrutural aplicado ao segmento empresarial

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    This article aims to conduct research on the influence of the importance and quality of business relationships on a company’s decision to maintain its relationship with a certain hotel. To address the issue, we propose a model tested based on data from a survey of a final sample of 483 representatives from Portuguese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) who expressed their perceptions about the business relationships with their key partners in a hotel chain. Data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling statistical technique. The study produced several important results. The quality of the relationship is influenced by interpersonal variables, highlighting the role of Client Manager (i.e. the representative of the hotel), and other variables associated to the relationship itself. As for the importance of the relationship, several factors emerge as significant indicators such as the benefits of the relationship and the costs of its interruption. The results suggest that the importance of the relationship plays a major role in determining the propensity for future interaction. As regards theoretical contribution, this research adds value to the relationship marketing paradigm because we test and validate a model of the influence of the importance of the relationship, in addition to the quality of the relationship, and the propensity of future interaction between SMEs and hotels. This study also suggests practical management-related implications, in light of the success of relationship marketing strategies, and with the goal of customer loyalty and profitability of the business relationship which they have established.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo investigar sobre la influencia de la importancia y la calidad de las relaciones comerciales en la decisión de una empresa de mantener su relación con un determinado hotel. Para abordar el problema, se propone un modelo puesto a prueba con base en los datos de una encuesta de una muestra final de 483 representantes de pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMEs) de Portugal. Los participantes expresaron sus percepciones acerca de las relaciones comerciales con sus socios clave en una cadena de hoteles. Los datos se analizaron utilizando la técnica estadística de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. El estudio produjo varios resultados importantes. La calidad de la relación está influenciada por variables interpersonales, entre las cuales se destaca el papel de Administrador de Clientes (es decir, el representante del hotel), y surgen otras variables asociadas a la relación misma. En cuanto a la importancia de la relación, surgen varios factores como indicadores significativos, tales como los beneficios de la relación y los costos de su interrupción. Los resultados sugieren que la importancia de la relación juega un papel preponderante en la determinación de la propensión a la interacción futura. En cuanto a la contribución teórica, la presente investigación añade valor al paradigma del marketing relacional, ya que somete a prueba y valida un modelo de la influencia de la importancia de la relación, además de los efectos de la calidad de la relación en la propensión de la futura interacción entre las PYMEs y los hoteles. Este estudio también sugiere implicaciones prácticas relacionadas con la gestión, a la luz del éxito de las estrategias de marketing relacional, y con el objetivo de fidelizar al cliente y obtener rentabilidad de la relación comercial que se haya establecido.O presente artigo tem como objetivo investigar a influência da importância e da qualidade das relações de negócio na decisão de uma empresa em manter o envolvimento com determinado hotel. Para tratar a questão, é proposto um modelo testado com base em dados de um inquérito realizado a uma amostra final de 483 representantes de pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) portuguesas, que manifestaram as suas perceções sobre as relações de negócio com os seus interlocutores privilegiados numa cadeia hoteleira.Os dados foram analisados com recurso à técnica estatística de modelação em equações estruturais. O estudo produz vários resultados importantes. A qualidade da relação é influenciada por variáveis interpessoais, com destaque para o papel do Gestor de Clientes (i.e., o representante do hotel), e por outras associadas à relação propriamente dita. Quanto à importância da relação, vários fatores surgem como indicadores significativos, tais como os benefícios da relação e os custos da sua interrupção. Os resultados sugerem que a importância da relação assume um papel preponderante na determinação da propensão de interação futura. Em termos de contribuição teórica, a investigação acrescenta valor ao paradigma do marketing relacional, ao testar e validar um modelo da influência da importância da relação, adicionalmente aos efeitos da qualidade da relação, na propensão de interação futura entre PMEs e hotéis. O estudo sugere igualmente implicações práticas de gestão, com vista ao sucesso das estratégias de marketing relacional e com o objetivo da fidelização dos clientes e rentabilização das relações de negócio com eles estabelecidas

    Experimental demonstration of digital predistortion for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing-radio over fibre links near laser resonance

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    Radio over fibre (RoF), an enabling technology for distribution of wireless broadband service signals through analogue optical links, suffers from non-linear distortion. Digital predistortion has been demonstrated as an effective approach to overcome the RoF non-linearity. However, questions remain as to how the approach performs close to laser resonance, a region of significant dynamic non-linearity, and how resilient the approach is to changes in input signal and link operating conditions. In this work, the performance of a digital predistortion approach is studied for directly modulated orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing RoF links operating from 2.47 to 3.7 GHz. It extends previous works to higher frequencies, and to higher quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) levels. In addition, the resilience of the predistortion approach to changes in modulation level of QAM schemes, and average power levels are investigated, and a novel predistortion training approach is proposed and demonstrated. Both memoryless and memory polynomial predistorter models, and a simple off-line least-squares-based identification method, are used, with excellent performance improvements demonstrated up to 3.0 GHz

    Learning and Teaching in Higher Education I

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    A Declaração de Bolonha conduziu, num primeiro momento, à implementação de um sistema de graus académicos comparáveis determinante para a mobilidade e a cooperação entre as instituições de ensino superior dos 45 países europeus que até à data a subscreveram. Terminada esta fase, marcadamente política, as instituições confrontam-se agora com uma multiplicidade de mudanças onde assume particular relevo a adopção do paradigma da aprendizagem centrada no estudante, o que se constitui como mais um desafio tanto para os estudantes como para os professores universitários. De facto, a investigação recentemente produzida mostra que o investimento apenas nos processos de aprendizagem dos estudantes é insuficiente para promover a qualidade da aprendizagem e que é fundamental apostar na outra face da moeda, no ensino e nos professores universitários, ou seja na qualidade de ambas as componentes que devem coexistir em interacção. Esta conferência pretende debruçar-se sobre esta nova realidade e as suas exigências, criando um espaço de partilha de conhecimento e de troca de experiências que possa consubstanciar-se como um contributo para a consolidação das reformas realizadas e para um sistema de ensino e de aprendizagem qualitativamente superior

    Entre imagens e palavras: as Agentes Comunitárias de Saúde como artífices

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir imagens criadas por Agentes Comunitrias de Sade (ACS) sobre o seu trabalho. Operando com a pesquisa interveno, produzimos imagens que mostram certos enunciados que produzem subjetividade no trabalho desses sujeitos. Adotamos a interveno fotogrfica, entendendo que o enunciado tambm passa pelo olhar. Partindo do imaginado para revelar mltiplos sentidos, tomamos a imagem como dispositivo que opera no sentido de transformar para conhecer. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com equipes de sade da famlia no municpio de Porto Alegre, Brasil, entre os meses de junho de 2012 e fevereiro de 2013. A imagem do artfice, como indicativo do trabalho e da condio de ACS, foi problematizada mostrando a importncia da integrao dos conhecimentos cotidianos e tcnicos. O artfice produz o trabalho na criao de algo novo, articulando conhecimento tcnico e a experincia se assemelhando ao trabalho das ACS

    The Maré Museum: an integrated project of community development

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    Cadernos de SociomuseologiaThe Maré Museum, founded on 8 May 2006, arose from the desire of the inhabitants of the community to have a place of memory, a place that is immersed in the past and looks to the future, a place that reflects on this community, on their conditions and identities and on their territorial and cultural diversity. The intention of the Maré Museum is to break with the tradition that the experiences to be recollected and the places of memory to be remembered are those elected by the official version, the "winner" version of the story that restricts the representations of history and memory of large portions of the population. The Maré Museum, as a pioneer initiative in the city scene, proposed to expand the museological concept, so that it is not restricted to intellectual social groups and cultural spaces that are not accessible to the general population. The museum has established recognition that the slum is a place of memory and so has initiated a museographic reading of the Mare community. .
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